The $MASA token is a digital revival of the MASA coin, a gold currency used for trade in ancient Java's Mataram Sultanate (ancestor of the Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat).
Replacing barter around the 9th century, these coins inspired the blockchain-based $MASA token. It aims to be the digital currency within a future online ecosystem being built by the Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat.
Token Vesting: 25% unlock each month, for 4 months.
Token Details
Name: MASA
Ticker: $MASA
Supply: 28.000.000 MASA
Presale Batch 5
Listing Price: 0.13 USD
Presale Price: 0.07 USD
End date: February 19, 2025
Presale 5 is LIVE!
1 USDT = 13.62 MASA
0 $MASA Raised
Presale end0 Days Left

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